What you hop in bed is always wear your mascara? Try a new product of the skin, the shelves? These common errors can be displayed, no biggie, but is in the course of time they can be a toll on your skin to take and let you look prematurely old.Don't worry: It's not too late. Here, down to us break your bad habits of the skin, and shows you how to avoid - and look 10 years younger.
Sunscreen to jump
Track No. 1, that you are aging? Wear sunscreen every day.
"The Sun is the main cause of the aging of the skin," says Neil Sadick, MD, a New York City-based dermatologist. And cloudy days, rain or snow can reach the Sun. In addition, Dr. Sadick, adds "harmful for the skin to UV rays can you penetrate glass, so that the protection from the Sun in must apply."
He proposes to choose broad spectrum sunscreen, which blocked the two types of UV, UVA and UVB - rays, with a sun protection factor of at least 30. -Rich antioxidant formulas with ingredients such as Resveratrol, C, can vitamin Idebenone and coffee berries added protection offer.
Neglecting your hands and neck
Her face is not the only area needs a little TLC. The Sun overexposure will affect on your hands and neck, as well as your complexion. These areas show signs of aging, such as dark spots, drought and loss of strength, notes Dr. Sadick.
Treat the neck and the back of the hands, generous as your face in application moisturizer and sunscreen. While you can buy products location, they are not required. The formulated for your face works very well, said Dr. Sadick.
Handle buttons place
With the fluctuations of hormones, women over 40 regular acne occur problems. But with treatment on the ground, to free red spots is only dry skin, a raw and irritated - zone, and it has helped to heal the bud.
Instead treat Carolyn Jacob, MD, Director of the Chicago and dermatology aesthetic surgery, your whole face with a fighting acne or a moisturizer every day. This is to prevent the best choice for future outbreaks.
In the bed go your makeup, without removing.
You are also tempting to bed after a strenuous day or night on the town - fall without cleaning your face. But can a cleaner to jump in at night to escape later.
Environmental toxins (such as dirt and pollution) accumulate on the skin and penetrate into the pores, which can cause skin problems, Dr. Sadick explains during the day. So hit the bag before you wash. Use a good cleaning, and save your skin. You keep towels to clean the nightstand for convenience - just drag a box and sleep.
Trenches too fast products
If you frustrated that your new anti-aging moisturizer does not work, pique more moved. Bouncing a product you have the impression that nothing for your skin works.
Dr. Jacob recommends that at least six weeks give a new product, to produce a change in your skin. "A cycle of skin takes 30 days [for new cells reach the top layer of the skin] to a real difference in tone, texture and to see clarity you need for more than a month," said. “”. The product contains anti aging ingredients, longer wait. Your skin takes about four months, the collagen and elastin to rebuild, she said.
Too many products both
If a new moisturizer is good, does the combination of new serum, toner and night cream be better to directly?
Not so fast. If your skin is irritated to have used a handful of new products, you know, what is the cause of the problem and assume that they all irritating. Instead "you begin with one at a time, and every two weeks to integrate a new product," explains Dr. Jacob. In this way you will go better overwhelmed your skin able to identify what is aggravating to you or know, makes what combination of them. In addition, you save some types of purchase only what you need.
Skimp on sleep
Always insufficient shutdown can result in the ring and a dull complexion and aging skin prematurely - and in the short term. Our skin cells are fighting in the day against an attack from stressors, UV radiation and pollution. Sleep is important, because the stress hormones to normal levels fall at night, that the time of the cells to repair and rejuvenate, explains Dr. Jacob.
In addition raises the voltage levels of the hormone cortisol, increases the production of oil and episodes of acne, can lead according to Dr. Jacob. Make sure that you are not depriving, sleep, you need.