Drinking tea can trim men jump


Would be tea the secret of a trim size? For men the answer Yes, or at least might, that this is not evil.

A new study shows that men, to drink film go, the more than two cups of tea every day that people who drink coffee or anything at all. But this does not apply to women.

Researchers have previous studies with coffee and tea drinking habits and obesity in General, but is little known about how these habits affect obesity. Obesity or excess fat in the chest, is associated with a number of risks to health, including diabetes and heart disease.

The study, presented this week at the first International Congress on obesity, explores the relationship between a café and drink tea and obesity in 3 823 adults, who in the United States 2003-2004 national health and nutrition examination survey took part.

"The potential between tea and coffee and obesity is not insignificant, given the fact that more than 60% of the adult population of tea and coffee, drink, that these drinks often as 10 times a day, can be so and that a high percentage of coffee and tea drinkers use additives in beverages," write researchers d. r. Bouchard and colleagues at the school of Kinesiology and health at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.

The results showed that the consumption of coffee not obesity in men and women was linked after adjusting for other factors.

The use of artificial sweeteners vs sugar seems a role in obesity.

The use of sugar in the tea was connected with nearly 1 inch smaller in men, but the use of artificial sweeteners was linked to a larger size of almost 2 inches.

In women, the use of milk in tea to a smaller size was two thirds of an-inch. But women, that artificial sweeteners were used on average almost a larger size of inch.

The role of researchers between tea and trim size drink spotted bottom of men and women.