Temperature lower body, similar to in multi-annual mice limited calories, observed reinforce the idea that eating less aid that people are living longer, said researchers at the Washington University School of medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, United States, in an article aging recently in people published by the diets calories without any restrictions,.
In simple organisms in the long term calorie restriction can double or even triple lifespan. The duration of human life, it is not known, as the practice but the impact that followed, he expected that to spend their 100th anniversary.
Animal studies have also suggested that the reduction of body temperature rose life helps animals in calories without any restrictions; the rodents that consume fewer calories have low body temperature base and live longer than in the same scope on a standard diet.
Wrote but we don't know anything about the long-term effects of caloric restriction on body temperature in humans, the researchers in their basic information.
Suite in a way of life calories without restriction is not only a question of cutting calories. It is a disciplined approach, where the individual reduced calorie intake to about 75% of healthy can by more conventional standards, carefully tracking the order of vitamins and Nutritient apply admission to malnutrition. Disziplinierter members follow other measures such as BMI and body fat and carefully plan their meals.
Researchers principal Dr. Luigi Fontana, Research Assistant Professor medicine inside reported interested in 50 years training and metabolism, nutrition, aging and longevity, and colleagues of the body temperature of 24 volunteers, who followed him in calories without restriction on the forms of life for at least 6 years warmit of the 24 volunteers of age, eating a diet of Western-style, rich in fat and calories.
All calories without restriction 24 volunteers are members of the society of CR, also known as the "friends" (short for "Calorie restriction with optimal nutrition").
The researchers compared to 24 sportsmen of the endurance of the same age, to see whether it is just a little was (as the two groups have) or also at the end of a life without any restrictions in calories, that most strongly associated with lower core temperature the body temperature of the core group in calories.
Fontana, also a senior researcher at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita in Rome, said the found:
"People in the caloric restriction had a lower average body temperature of 0.2 ° C, which sounds like a modest but is statistically significantly and similar reduction such as the reduction, we have found that long mice, caloric restriction".
He said that "what is interesting, it's about endurance athletes who have the same age and are also slim, have similar reduction of body temperature, is not".
Body temperature is the optimal temperature for all organs of the body to work best.
To measure the body temperature, participants to capsules asked researchers to swallow telemetry. These then passed inside their body temperature readings every minute.
The temperature of the human body is not the same throughout and internal lectures ("temperature") are generally higher than the measured values is closer to the skin.
Ideally, the body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.7 ° C, but this varies from approximately 96 to 100 degrees Celsius in the vicinity of.
Researchers indicate that the study reveals not if calorie-restriction itself caused below or something be questioned the Central temperature after.
However, Fontana said reduced temperature is a key to the long duration of life in animals: research shows that it is true as those with temperatures much core lower body, longer life, he said.
Fontana and colleagues according to the evidence of another independent study, the Baltimore longitudinal study of aging, that find that men lived with core from the bottom of the body temperature significantly longer than men with higher body temperature. The reason for the low body temperature was probably genetic, they remember.
This strengthens the argument that the body temperature also predicts longevity in humans Fontana said.
However, as Pourrait live with temperature more low none of this work shed light on the years more core body warmer counterparts.
At the moment it seems based on animal studies, a low body temperature is not enough. Rodents, constantly low living their body temperature by the action of cold water is maintained more than the normal rodents.
Fontana, says that he considers how achieve your low body temperature can be the key.
He considered that if you much of your life in obesity, smoking and drinking and then takes drugs spend to reduce the temperature of the body, you live longer.
However, he said they would practice "gentle caloric restriction", when to hold, good nutrition, some practice, and take the temperature, reducing the drugs, then you see may be a more serious observed in calorie restriction similar effect.
The National Institute of diabetes, stomach and diseases of the kidneys, the Institute of the Instituto Superiore di Sanità / national collaboration of health, the basis for longer life and Scott and Annie Appleby charitable trust, donated all resources and grants to fund research.
"Long-term calorie restriction, but not endurance exercise reduces body temperature in humans.".
Andreea Soare, Roberto Cangemi, Daniela Omodei, John O. Holloszy and Luigi Fontana.
Ageing, volume 3, number 4, April 2011, pp 374-379.
Additional source: Washington University School of Medicine (press release may 10, 2011).