Not enough is to reduce the exposure, the Sun and the risk of cancer of the skin in children, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Protection against the Sun life must be from an early age, and the Group calls on the Government of the United States, the prohibition of the use of tanning salons under minors and urge doctors and parents to protect of children from the dangers of ultraviolet (UV).
"If people are overexposing, increases the risk of skin cancer Sun and intentionally put themselves to artificial sources of UV radiation.". Still sunburn and young people and adults frequent visitors stay, tanning salons "write researcher former President, Sophie j. Balk, MD, of the Committee of the AAP on the environment and health and colleagues in Pediatrics."
"The awareness of the danger is not optimal, overall compliance with sunscreen is inconsistent and melanoma rates continue to rise," they write.
Melanoma is a form of serious and potentially deadly skin cancer.
"Many parents may not know that melanoma is skin cancer in children, more often, followed by squamous and basal cell carcinoma", explains Thomas Rohrer, MD, Secretary of the American society for Dermatologic Surgery, in a statement by E-mail. "Furthermore, only six heavy blows increase melanoma by 50 percent in their lives."
Teens and tanning salons
Researchers use tanning salons is among young people, especially young girls. A survey showed nearly a quarter of young non-Hispanic at least once a solarium had used.
They say the intensity of UV radiation, produced by some solarium, the units up to 10-15 times higher than the Sun can be.
"A misunderstanding is a"pre-vacation tan"- when you visit tanning salons prepare the skin for a sunny holiday - protects against further damage of the skin," write researchers. “” “”. This practice leads effectively additional exposure not just before the holidays, but later, because people use fewer precautions to protect of the Sun during the holidays. »
Therefore said the AAP, which several other medical organizations in supporting the legislation, the prohibition of the use of tanning salons of children under the age of 18 is to be connected.
Tips to reduce the exposure to the Sun
In addition to the UV radiation avoid artificial sources and the report offers the following tips to limit the exposure to the Sun and the risk of decrease of cancer of the skin in children tanning salons:
Avoid sunburn.
Wear only outside clothing protectors and hats.
Time, outdoor activities, shows, if possible, outside of these hours of sun exposure 10-16
Apply a sunscreen with a sun protection (SPF) of at least 15 all factor in two hours and dry after bathing, sweating or with a towel.
Children under 6 months held by direct light from the Sun and protected by clothing and hats.
This exhibition Sun Explorer Council is especially important for children at high risk of skin cancer development, including those with light skin, freckles or a family history of melanoma.
The report calls for doctors and parents about the protection of children against UV rays promote alert some secondary activity of optimal health and vitamin D production.
Vitamin d is required for normal growth and bone development. Sources of vitamin D are exposure to the Sun, food sources and supplements. Vitamin D deficiency is a growing concern of health in children and adults. But researchers who advise Sun and exposure of to ultraviolet radiation to increase the production of vitamin D should be avoided. Instead health should be achieved through sources and supplementation, vitamin D levels if necessary.