Before recently researchers tested lunch, which packed more than 700 children in school age and were less than two percent of the meat, vegetables and dairy products in a secure temperature zone, making the risk of the disease for children back in school and child care.
"It was a shock when we realised that more than 90% of perishable products in this packed lunch at dangerous temperatures have been maintained," said Fawaz Almansour, student at the University of Texas at Austin.
Researchers at the University of Texas, a device took packed lunches for children aged 3 to 5 for the measurement of temperature in nine children of the State of centres for the measurement. What they found, after checking the temperature of food, which can support these errors, it was more than nine in 10 of this article at temperatures, as so dangerous, reported have been complied with Reuters Health.
They found that the lunch also included blocks ice or have been stored in the refrigerator were usually still hot enough to cause problems.
"The child with an evil, the belly is child they might think, Oh, maybe 'they have caught a virus by someone else,'" Almansour told ABC News. “” “”. Do not you think that you at home would be the cause. »
Food poisoning is a concern for people of all ages. According to the Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) about 76 million people in the United States, which the original food ill be error each year and over 5,000 of this ABC cases fatally, News reported.
But the study's authors note that these diseases of importance are, when it comes, young children. CDC study in 2009 found that children may be less than 4 bacterial infection food in the amount of 4.5 times that of adults 20-49.
"Risk of lunch is real, but relatively not properly cooled sack small overview of food-borne diseases," said Dr. Harley von Rothbart, specialist, infectious disease, paediatric, at the University of Colorado School of medicine and author the germ proof your kids.
"Much risk come to wash them, displays and food lower consumer and contamination of the kitchen, countertops, and other inanimate objects with meat cooked insufficiently insufficient hands chicken and fish".
Dr. Michael Muszynski, Professor of pediatric infectious diseases at Florida State University College of medicine in Tallahassee, called the results of the study, "because, as also packed lunches full of multiple packages ice reaches dangerous temperatures, to promote the growth of bacteria that cause food poisoning."
He pointed out but "we know not, such as risk, lunch sack stacks of other sources of the disease in children."
Dr. William Schaffner, head of the Department of preventive medicine at the school of medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, said that that he remember any case where a lunch pack was a particular cause of food poisoning in a child.
"Now, in fairness, that might be, since a sack lunch causes that only a single disease rather than an outbreak of the disease, which is rather the attention of the public health," Schaffner said. “” “”. Nevertheless sack lunch at a regular problem, it would have attention. »
"This study is one thing, more than a further revelation", explains Almansour. "It shows that there is a problem."
Its recommendation? Pack lunch with large blocks of ice and have your child from the school container, and put it in the fridge.
The results of the study are published in the journal of Pediatrics.