Defects at the base of the toe, which cause pain and disabilities - are common and can a person really slowly, a new study shows.
The study, which will be published in arthritis care and research found that more than one-third of adults have at least an onion, a hard bone hump that forms at the base of the big toe.
Onions are as with a hereditary component, that they tend to run in some families. He also proposed, wear shoes with high heels and narrow Tip - field can contribute to the development of the onion.
Participants in the study with onions should be more pain in other parts of the body, including the hip, knee, lumbar, and foot. And those who most large known have deformed even worse scores on measures of quality of life, such as the social and physical toes, a condition as hallux Valgu, work.
"Our results show that hallux-Valgu is a-Dur and the device disabling musculoskeletal system condition that affects the quality of life", Hylton Menz, associate explains Professor at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, in a press release. "Interventions to correct or the progression of the deformation offer patients in positive results of simply localized pain."
Who gets the onions?
The study concluded the UK researchers, more than 2,800 people age of 56 years or more.
Framework of the investigation include photos of the left and right feet, where the base of the big toe will be progressively more distorted. Participants were invited to their feet and retrieve images, the they similar. That helped researchers to the severity of the problem of the individual to determine.
Study participants were then pain intensity, concerns with appearance and the socio-economic status and education level was looking for more questions about their physical and mental health.
The study found that onions were about twice as common in women than men and that the probability that an onion increases with age. A total of about 28% of persons aged 50 to 59 years onions, compared with 56% of people aged less than 80.
The severity of the load increases, this fact also problems associated with it.
Even after taking into account, the pain in other parts of the body, people with onions reported even poorer functioning que and que Physics without onions.
Previous studies have shown, that onions affect gait, balance and increased risk of falls among older people, researchers speculate that people with severe onions can report on these issues, less with their lives happy, because they have difficulties, the shoes, which like to wear them.
Throw a leg on onions
What can prevent an onion or worse to keep?
"There are all kinds of Rails and populating, that you can put between the toes and so things to try to prevent the toes are derived,", said Andrew j. Elliott, MD, a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon at the hospital for special surgery in New York.
However, it notes that previous studies have shown that up to 90% of the people, the onion family history, may mean that reported that several feet for them are just more sensitive than others.
"If to drive it, it is to do this, and it is bones of art above all by an imbalance in the muscles, as well as maybe some neglect in some bands, of drift in the direction they are going, that's where he is rubbing the shoe", says Elliott.
He says that patients consider surgery if they are constant pain, or if they have noticed their onion, which last year quickly worsen. Like an onion was even worse, can also cause that called hammer toes or toes crossover, or pain in the ball of the foot, Metatarsalgia.
He said "Like the deformity larger is, it is more difficult to get a good result with correction,".
Correction is usually surgery, cut to the bone, and move it, but it is not always things absolutely right.
Up to 15% of people are still some unease in the feet after the operation, and up to a third party Elliott said they are still the shoes that they would want after the procedure, said.
And to breach add insult, onions, return even after surgery.
In the meantime Elliott, recommends to rethink, what is the shoe rack.
"You can it much less painful," by appropriate shoes, said.