For Siemens of company fur consumer research (GfK) famous German market research institute respondents women 25 to 65 years on the subject of cancer screening. The survey treated cancer tests, their general knowledge of early detection and personal feelings about the reliability of the sources of information in particular the experiences of women with breast cancer. In this way, Siemens wants to determine what in General were information needs of women and develop therefore awareness and educational materials. A total of 4 000 women from eight countries took part in the investigation.The international breast cancer awareness in October 2010 Siemens started a worldwide campaign to raise the public awareness of breast cancer. These efforts called Siemens Research Institute of the German market GfK, a study to learn to perform more information women, the behaviour and their current state of knowledge about the screening. The GfK led an online survey with each 500 women in Austria, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. "This election informative, international comparisons allows us since early detection in different countries - is otherwise treated, and this affects the State of mind and the knowledge of women,", says Norbert Gaus, Clinical Director of Siemens Healthcare products. A total 4,000 women 25 to 65 years with various levels of education and income was involved in the investigation.
The majority of respondents - 82 percent in the average, that early detection essential, it is subject to. Survey in particular participants in Germany, the Sweden and the Austria believe that periodic review detects changes in the breast sooner or even the disease prevent. In India, 35% of surveyed women awareness give the chest as the reason why they are important screening - a statement that is virtually not in other countries role. "A possible explanation for this may be several non-governmental organizations are currently running massive information and India campaigns to raise awareness and promotion of women, to get involved in the topic", explains Lucienne Bormann, project manager at GfK.
As a result, the majority of participants in the survey in India rate of their own know about as good breast cancer screening. However, only 40% of surveyed women feel well or very well informed; with a view to the average of all the surveyed countries, Here, the Russia and China made the low results. Only every other German woman said that formal program of screening - know one though, that invited since 2003, Germany women 50-69 years were on a public mammography screening program. Women in this age but most familiar group of the State with a screening program be.
On the basis of the results of the survey, Siemens plans to prepare the material for which supports breast cancer screening, which e.g. can doctors their patients and their awareness of specific information for each country. "The survey found that women confidence most likely their doctors, the reliable information on the topic of breast cancer to find", Norbert Gaus said. In particular, the specified women in Germany (89%), Austria (95%) and Brazil (73%), that they consider the most reliable source their gynecologists for information on cancer screening. The doctor was also often mentioned. The Swedish women prefer however to receive the information centres or public authorities. The average of the countries shows that more than two-thirds of the surveyed women a consultation with the doctor before or after a review of the most important service in terms of the screening to look at.
Sector health Siemens