Cure chicken soup can really a cold?


A dish with chicken soup to fight a cold? Perhaps: Some research estimates that it can help to relieve inflammation. (Check this recipe for chicken soup and others on our chain of recipe out). But go with wet hair, you mainly make sick? Not. This is only a a different myths about the common cold. Here are a few others.

Feed cold, fever of hunger

Sick is often kills your appetite; Not help by gavage. That is to the stay hydrated and to get enough calories. A 2008 study in the journal of nutrition found that longer have mice against influenza to recover and to suffer were rather negative, they would be on a diet. Recommendation of researchers? Before the end of the flu season, passed a diet diet.

They shall get so bad no coat

Remain George Bailey, it is deserves hit in the nose in it a wonderful life, but would have zuzu really healthy if his teacher had buttoned his jacket? Probably not.

Colds and flu are caused by viruses. They circulate in cold seasons, but rather you are out their place in the. In fact, go and do more physical activity - and not only during the cold season and flu - can help to prevent disease.

Vicks VapoRub in your socks heals coughs

In 2007, featured E-mail with Vicks VapoRub on feet of children during the night and the cover of the socks, spread to cure cough. It became an Internet sensation.

The E-mail identified the source as the "Canada Research Council" miracle cure, the National Council of research led Canada publish a statement saying that it had nothing to do with the e-Mail, or through consultation. Vicks, which is applied usually on the chest of a child or neck are the fumes which are intended to relieve the symptoms of cough, inhale, it seems, by the hair, it would work, if it is in the socks - free. Some fans are yet this unorthodox treatment.

You can make a wet head ill

You feel are probably cool lead if you skip on a cold day, but not in many more. Once again, colds are caused by a virus. Unless you get so cold that you could make, hypothermia of you susceptible to infections, increase the wet hair or clothes not your vulnerability.

Port garlic prevents colds

The pungent smell can's friends and colleagues from a distance to keep distribution, but you have to actually it for health benefits are taking. Garlic is rich in antioxidants, strengthen immunity and fight against inflammation. Experts recommend addition of cloves from one to two per day to your diet, an amount that should be small enough that it cause not gas or acid reflux.

If you are worried about the smell, try a capsule garlic extract for the benefits without the stench.