Report the release of experts on the management of the United Nations of swine flu


A group of independent experts, which has of the world Organization (who) published a report on the management of the Office of the United Nations of pandemic influenza H1N1 Thursday appointed.

Experts dismissed the allegations that the Agency of commercial interests of the United Nations is influenced in her decision to declare a pandemic in the 2009-2010 flu season.

Published complete draft of report by the Agency, the "is missing a number of robust enough, reveal systematic and open process, identify and manage conflicts of interest between the consultant" suspicions about the interests of the organization contributed.

Experts say that, who has not to allay confusion in the basic definition of most of what is a pandemic.

"" They found "One line documentation described as a"Variety of death and disease", caused, while it was the official definition of a pandemic on the level of proliferation, pandemics".

"" "Changed as to be more in line with its proposed definition of a pandemic will be online without prior notice or explanation, some of their documents, suspect of a movable u invited the Organization definition instead of to their descriptions of a pandemic, more precise and consistent, making" added to it. ""

There was a "lack of leadership in a timely manner in all official languages, if you" and a "procedures and priorities for the publication of consistent technical guidelines lack overall coherent, vital, and in a timely manner".

The Group recommends the Agency "advice review pandemic", to simplify the structure of the different phases of a pandemic.

The report also stated that the Agency should assess the risk and the severe a pandemic.

Virus killed people over 18 449 of the H1N1 flu and was discovered about 214 countries and territories, since it in April 2009 the Mexico and the United States.

Sparkling swine flu of the Agency of the health of the United Nations to declare a pandemic on June 11, 2009.  10. August 2010 further stated, the pandemic.